Saturday, September 10, 2011

Enable Ping in Windows 7 Firewall Easily

Enable Ping in Windows 7 Firewall Easily
For security reason, ICMP echo requests are blocked by default in Windows 7 firewall. It will give ‘Request Time Out’ message and also it’s not responding to ICMP echo requests (PING) from other network devices. To overcome this problem, there are two solutions.

The first solution you can disable the firewall completely although this is not recommended. The second solution is to create an exceptional rule for ICMP echo request to reply the ping commands in existing firewall, without disabling it completely. For the good, let's discuss the second solution.

Actually, to add exceptional rule for ICMP echo requests can be done with the graphics mode, but for reasons of convenience then I will share how to enable ping in Windows 7 Firewall easily via the command prompt. Follow these steps:
  • Open the command prompt in administrator mode. Click Start button and type “cmd” into the search box. Once the pop-up appears, right click it and select “Run as administrator”.
  • in the command prompt which is run in the administrator mode, type the command below:
    netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”ALL ICMP V4″ protocol=icmpv4:any,any dir=in action=allow
    The command above is used to enable the ICMP request. To disable it, type the command below:
    netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”ALL ICMP V4″ protocol=icmpv4:any,any dir=in action=block
The differences command to activate and deactivate only on the “action”. That’s it how to enable ping in Windows 7 firewall easily. Hope it helps .

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